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The Cosmic Justice

The "Cosmic Hammer" is about to fall on the dark forces The Cosmic Authorities/Forces will lead the way from now on. The old dark corrupted government's and authorities are crumbling now and all of them will be replaced by new government's, Laws, and authorities based on Cosmic Justice, Cosmic love, prosperity and freedom for all instead of Lies, Greed, Hate, Manipulation, Blackmail, Separation etc.The Cosmic laws will be fully applied on this planet and the old false dark laws will be permanently abolished. All this is much closer than most people expect.


  1. Replies
    1. I never give any dates just like all genuine individuals with real contact. Only fake messengers and sites give false dates and intel. Real lightworkers never give any dates.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. some intel release in 4chan..
    I take it this is part of what will cause those changes to happen.

    (Part II) Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance

  3. Thanks for these updates C.A., I have compiled some of the intel being leaked on 4Chan right now...also made a nice video helping people to visualize (near) future headlines:

    Thanks for sharing your information here! It's very encouraging! Love the different sources for this..

    Victory of the light!

  4. Which density of consciousness are you?

    1. Just like many lightworkers I exist on multiple dimensions. The formless intelligence aspect exists on 8-13 dimensions.

  5. Do you work specifically with Pleiadian contacts?

    1. No I work with multiple forces. Mostly with Forces from Sirius.

  6. I think the later one should expect things, the better. Otherwise people set themselves up for disappointment. I, for one, do not believe any of this will happen this year. Part of me does hope, though, the Light Forces deliver sooner than later. But I feel better inside expecting it to happen at a much later date.

  7. If The Beatles weren't blocked on YouTube, I would post the song "Think for Yourself" from the Rubber Soul album.


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