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Tangible physical Evidence

We are reaching a point where many physical evidence about many truths and lies will start to appear everywhere so real tangible evidence cannot be held back for much longer and the cabal is doomed.Everything they will try to do will fail and they have ran out of options and they are trapped.There is no escape or hiding place for them and they cannot leave the planet because they are stopped by Light forces. More  physical actions and intervention will happen from many light factions on the surface of the planet and off the planet and that will culminate into the complete takedown of the cabal so the coming days and months will be full of action and full of surprises.Many suppressed truth's will be known to the public.The CIA , NSA, FBI and other cabal Agencies and faction's will be charged with enormous crime's against humanity for
massive cover ups, Conspiracies,murders etc. All individuals responsible for enermous crime's against humanity will be arrested and will face Cosmic justice. Enormous physical evidence about everything will be released to the public in the months.......


  1. I remain hopeful. But at the same time, I'll believe it when I see it.

  2. Let there be light and love! Thank you CA!

  3. This is not victory, It's just more duality...throwing pawns undr the bus. Expose the higher dimensional control system and full transparency is needed!


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