The cabal is desperately trying to hold on but they are realizing that their defeat is very near. The Kennedy files is just a warm up just a little taste of what is coming. Many surprises are ready to appear that will change everything on this planet yes it has taken very long for all this to manifest but it will be well worth the wait. Many announcements are very near.
This site represents The Light Forces-The Cosmic Forces in charge of Cosmic Justice This is representing also the The White Hats Serving only Humanity and the planet
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Situation Update
Since October 11th, the Light Forces have begun to open decompression valves of the Tachyon membrane (outer barrier) at the heliopause.
This means that Ascension energies from the Galactic Center have begun to enter our Solar System for the first time since 1995 and the Light Forces are now focusing these energies into the sublunar space, thus accelerating the purification of the remaining plasma parasite entities that are still clinging to the surface of planet Earth