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Showing posts from October, 2017

Exciting times ahead.......

The cabal is desperately trying to hold on but they are realizing that their defeat is very near. The Kennedy files is just a warm up just a little taste of what is coming. Many surprises are ready to appear that will change everything on this planet yes it has taken very long for all this to manifest but it will be well worth the wait. Many announcements are very near.

Massive changes coming....

Expect massive changes that will shake and turn this planet upsidedown! Everything is ready to be  revealed no date is given because it's meant to be a BIG surprise for everyone!

Vast financial crimes

Vast financial crimes There has been a large and vast criminal activity in the financial system this includes the privately owned federal reserve and others.These individuals have been manipulating and stealing trillions of dollars from people for many years.The evidence to show and prove this is astounding and all evidence will be shown to the public.The financial reset and revaluation of the whole financial system will happen in the near future and it will be based on honesty,integrity and truth.The system will be gold backed instead of paper and bullshit backed. All the criminals associated with the vast crime's will be arrested.

Truth shall appear everywhere

Truth shall appear everywhere No more secrets no more lies everything will be exposed and reaveled to the public.All Individuals associated with crimes and conspiracy against humanity will be arrested and all their dark deeds will be known by everybody.Very soon everything will be reaveled to the public and this will be very shocking for most people when they hear and see what really has been happening  on this planet for thousands of years!